How You Know It's Time To Change Your Blog Theme

Several questions many bloggers have are centered around their blog theme: How often should I change it? When should I change it? What makes a blog theme a good one?

While there are no hard and fast rules on when to change your blog theme, there are multiple reasons for doing so. And it’s not as uncommon as you may think. Many bloggers, including myself, have switched up their blog themes multiple times. I’ve used four themes since starting my blog. on a computer screen in front of a bright pink wall
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Reasons to get a new blog theme

Each time I changed my theme several good reasons were driving the change. Here are just some of the reasons for changing your blog theme:

1. It's not mobile-friendly

Your current theme isn’t mobile responsive so it doesn’t look good when viewed on a mobile device. This is a really big deal since so many people use their phones and tablets to access the Internet. Not having a mobile-friendly site could be hindering the attractiveness and growth of your blog.

2. Your current theme is outdated

It may have been several years since you selected your current theme and as a result, it looks old which could be a turn-off for new readers.

3. Your goals have changed

During your blogging career, you may have decided to change your blogging goals making your current theme obsolete.

4. You have a high bounce rate 

You may have seen in your Google Analytics that you’re seeing a high number of people visiting your site and immediately leaving it. This could be a direct result of your current theme. It may be slow to load or hard to navigate.

Blog theme from Restored 316 Designs

5. It's off-brand

As you’ve refined and honed in on your blog’s branding you may have found that your current theme doesn’t properly reflect your branding.

My blog theme situation

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve changed my blog theme several times. I think I’m up to three times as of the writing of this. I’m currently on the Blogger platform (yes, I know self-hosted WordPress is where it’s at, but that doesn’t fit in my budget right now.)

So the first theme I used was just a generic Blogger template. It was awful! I tried customizing it a bit with some different colors but at that point, I hadn’t really nailed down what I wanted my brand to be.

Next, I found a free Blogger that I used and my blog did look a lot better and more professional, but I still wasn’t happy with it. Probably because I focused just on usability and improving my look and didn’t consider what my blogging goals were.

The next change was definitely a giant step above the second theme I used. In selecting my third theme I really focused on my blogging goals, customization options, whether it fits my brand, usability, and SEO.

While I liked the third theme I selected I still wasn’t in love, so I spent several months searching for another theme. I went back and forth on several themes and even got close to launching with one before I found the one I’m currently using. I love my current theme and don’t see myself switching it up anytime soon.

Good blog theme features

When I changed my blog theme the last time I put together a checklist of what I was looking for. I’ve included that list below.

How You Know It’s Time To Change Your Blog Theme |

Here are some things to think about when looking for a new blog theme:

1. Free vs. Premium

Do you or can you pay for a blog theme? When you purchase a paid theme most of them provide support, more opportunities for customization, updates for the theme, and a sense of security that free themes typically don’t provide.

2. It’s mobile-friendly

The theme you pick is noted as mobile responsive so it will adjust to fit the screen of whatever device it’s viewed on.

3. Allows for easy customization

You’re able to easily customize the theme with your branding (e.g. colors, fonts, etc.).

4. Compatible with multiple browsers

Because there are so many browser options out there your blog theme should work on at least all of the big ones - Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari. By working I mean it loads correctly and looks good on the browsers.

5. User-friendly

The theme has easy-to-find and use menus and allows visitors to easily navigate through your content.

6. SEO friendly

SEO is a huge part of how readers find your blog so your theme must be SEO-friendly. This means the theme
  • Lets you set the titles and descriptions for each post
  • Includes <H> headings

Beautiful Dawn Designs Blog Theme

7. Supports your goals

If you want to sell products or services on your site your blog theme should allow for that. If you want to include display ads or showcase your social feeds you’ll want to make sure your new theme has the space and capability for that.

Once you know what you want from your blog theme you need to find a place to get one. Here are several sites that offer great modern themes for bloggers
If you’re a blogger share in the comments what drew you to your blog’s theme.


  1. Such a great post - I chose mine based on it meeting my needs (I wanted a sidebar and I wanted certain things to show up certain ways)

    Black Coffee Beautiful

    1. Thanks Laura! It can be so hard to find a blog theme. Where did you find yours?

    2. Great Post. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful tips.
