A Life Update: Got Some Exciting News To Share

I wanted to share what's been going on with me lately. It's not hair-related. It's actually a bit more personal.

I've accepted a new job in another state. So I am moving from North Carolina to Florida! The move is happening quickly - in a little less than two weeks! As I am writing this post I am in the process of packing up my condo and getting my things in order for the move.

A Relaxed Gal shares a quick life update about a big move! | arelaxedgal.com

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I'm really excited to live in another state as I've lived the majority of my life in North Carolina. I'm also looking forward to leaving cold winters and snow days behind.

As a result of the move, living in temporary housing until I find something permanent, and having several things in storage I won't be as active on A Relaxed Gal.

While I won't be as active as I've been, there will still be some new posts showing up because I have some in the hopper that just needs to be finalized. Once things calm down and I get back into a routine and so will the blog. I'm looking forward to sharing with you how my hair responds to the new climate.

A big thank you to all of my readers for your understanding.


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