Relaxed Hair Health Update: Fall Goal Check-in

So this post is very late hence my combining the months of October and November into one post. For that, I apologize. Moving to another state and starting a new job have just consumed my time.

To start off this update I thought back to my September Hair Health Update post where I laid out four goals for my relaxed hair for the month of October. Those goals were to:

Since I didn't verbalize any separate goals for November, I decided to roll over my October goals into November.

Here's how I would grade myself against the goals:

Relaxed Hair Health Update: Fall Goal Check-in | A Relaxed Gal
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Baby the left side for length retention (A)

My relaxed hair on the left side hasn't been able to keep up with the right side and is noticeably (at least to me) shorter than the right side. I think this is mostly due to some shorter front hairs and my nape hairs.

To give my left side the special treatment I did scalp massages on the left side only, and treated it more gently, during wash day it would be the first side to have the product applied and the last to be rinsed.

Looking at my hair it seems my left side is showing some signs of increased thickness, but I am convinced it grows slower than the right side. When I got my last relaxer touch-up I also got a cut which helped even out both sides. Since I stretch my relaxers for several weeks I'll probably be getting trims for each touch-up just to keep both sides even.

Stay on the moisture challenge (A+)

This goal was a no-brainer and something that is now ingrained in my regimen. Throughout the month I continued to deep condition with heat, moisturized and sealed every day, and co-washed more often. With these steps in my relaxed hair regimen, I've been able to have little issues with keeping my moisture levels up.

Do a protein treatment (A+)

I finally did one! I used the Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment during my eight weeks post wash day. My hair felt great afterward and I noticed a decrease in breakage. I want to make hard protein treatments of my regimen doing one every six to eight weeks.

Additionally, I'm looking for other protein products that I can use on a weekly or daily basis. I have been testing a few new conditioners so you'll see those popping up in my wash day posts.

Check out this October and November 2014 Relaxed Hair Health Update from

Participate in the 30 Days without Heat Challenge (A+)

Done and done! During my last relaxer stretch, I stayed away from direct heat like it was the plague. Prior to my touch-up, I can't remember the last time a blow dryer was used on my hair. And it's probably almost been a year since I've used my personal blow!

It's kind of refreshing to not be so reliant on these tools. When I would travel I used to always have to make space in my bag for the flat iron and blow dryer, now I don't feel the need to bring them with me making more space for clothes!

Related read: 30 Days Without Heat Challenge Results

I did so well! Yay! Ok, now on to December. What are the goals that I want to accomplish to keep this momentum up on my healthy relaxed hair journey?

1. Continue to protect my ends

Since my last touch-up, I've been finding myself wearing my hair down more. Some of that is due to the warmer weather in Florida which doesn't dry out my hair. The rest is my layered cut makes it a bit more difficult to do up-dos and not have short hairs sticking out.

Check out this October and November 2014 Relaxed Hair Health Update from

2. Continue babying my left side

I plan to do this with scalp massages, extra gentle treatment, and a few extra minutes of conditioning.

3. Pay special attention to my nape

I think some of my issues on the left side stem from my nape area.

4. Find ways to incorporate protein on a weekly basis

This will most likely be through protein conditioners that I will use for my pre-poo and/or co-washes.

5. Stay on the moisture challenge and continue to limit the use of direct heat

If I start incorporating protein I'll need to make sure I keep up my moisture levels so I don't experience protein overload. Also, my hair has really been responding well to the incorporation of moisture and no direct heat.

6. Incorporate apple cider vinegar into my regimen

I tend to have skin issues when the seasons change. My scalp, in particular, will flake and sometimes get really itchy. After doing some research I found that apple cider vinegar can help with that. I have started to use them during my pre-poo on wash days and have been pleased with the results.

What are your hair goals for December?

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