How To Generate Blog Post Ideas When You Have None

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank document on your computer because you had no idea about what to write?

Or maybe you started to freak out because the upcoming weeks in your editorial calendar were blank.

If you’ve experienced either of those situations or a similar one, you’re not alone. I’ve run into this issue at least once a month myself since I started blogging. The need to come up with some new blog post ideas is no joke. It can be stressful and hard at times.

Now that I’ve been blogging for a while I’ve gotten better at coming up with blog post ideas. What’s helped me is to a few questions that I ask myself to get the juices flowing and come up with new ideas. Hopefully, these questions will help you too.

Let’s dig in.

What questions do people have about this topic?

When coming up with blog post ideas I’ve found it’s important to remember that the best content is content that helps my readers solve a problem or answer a question they have.

Here are several places you can look to see what questions people are asking
  • Facebook groups you’re a member of or you manage
  • Related Google search suggestions
  • Polling results from your email subscribers
  • Trending topics on Pinterest

What questions did/do you have about the topic?

Before you learned enough to write about the topic, what questions did you have? What did you need to or want to learn about the topic? Are those questions ones that your audience may have and you can answer?

Have you learned anything new that you can share with your readers?

I like to learn new things to better myself and keep myself from getting bored. The plus side of this is it sometimes gives me fodder for my blog. Some of my more popular posts have come from things I learned and decided to share.

You can learn new things by
  • Constantly reading about topics that interest you. I regularly read posts from other bloggers, ad trades, and marketing experts.
  • Trying out new hacks. If I’m stuck at accomplishing something I try to figure out a way to achieve it. 
  • Sharing your new experiences: When I bought my first house I decided to share my experience and what I learned so that others could learn from my mistakes and successes.
  • Testing out new tools and products: I’ve tried several tools to help me manage and run my blog. Many of which I’ve shared with my readers because they could help them like they helped me.

Which of your current posts are most popular?

Your readers tell you what they’re interested in without you even asking them. They do this by only reading and sharing the content that is most interesting and helpful for them.

Here’s how you find out what’s popular on your blog and what’s not
  • Look at your Google Analytics and see which of your older posts are doing well.
  • Look at your Pinterest analytics and see which of your pins are trending. 

What you find might spur more than a few new blog posts. It could be the start of an email or blog series.

What to do to find blog posts |

What’s currently trending?

Look at what’s trending on Pinterest by expanding the search bar to see the list of trending ideas

Go to Google Trends. There you can see a list of stories trending online. Or you can enter your topic in the search bar and see what are the top related queries for that topic.

When I have a blog post idea come to mind I either immediately write it down on a pad, enter it in my cell phone notes, or put it in my content calendar. That way I don’t forget it and lose it.

Do you have any tricks or tips for coming up with blog post ideas?