February 2016 Traffic Report

Once February ended I couldn't wait to start gathering info for this traffic report. I wanted to see how my pulling back from StumbleUpon, being more active on Pinterest and the shorter month impacted my stats.

Once again I have no income to report, so this is just a February 2016 traffic report for ARelaxedGal.com.

I want to share my monthly traffic reports partly to hold myself accountable and help me keep a closer eye on my monthly stats. I’m also doing this in the hopes of helping and encouraging other bloggers who are looking to grow their online presence.

February blog traffic report | A Relaxed Gal

(This post includes some affiliate links. Should you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.)

February 2016 Blog Stats

  • Sessions: 8,239 (-171)
  • Users: 7,085 (+734)
  • Pageviews: 10,431 (+75)
  • Pages/Session: 1.27 (+.04)
  • % New Sessions: 77.12% (+5.32%)
  • Bounce Rate: 91.56% (+3.28%)

February 2016 Top 4 Posts

  1. How To Create Headlines That Are Read And Shared
  2. 30 Free Resources For Blogging On A Budget
  3. Protein Conditioners versus Moisturizing Conditioners
  4. How I'm Managing 15 Weeks Of New Growth

February 2016 Social Media Stats

February 2016 Top 4 Traffic Drivers

  1. Stumbleupon
  2. Direct
  3. Google/Organic
  4. Pinterest

Blog Stats

There are positive increases for most of my stats with the exception of my bounce rate and sessions. I think the dip in sessions can be attributed to this being a shorter month. I’m not sure about the bounce rate increase. This is something I need to continue investigating to see what I can do to bring it down.

See how my blog traffic did in February 2016 | @arelaxedgal


I’m excited to see growth in all my social channels. It’s not surprising to me that Twitter and Pinterest saw the most growth in February since I focused on them more than the others. I admit I did slack some on scheduling Twitter posts in February. There were some days I didn't have any tweets and others when I would just have one or two. This is most likely the reason my Twitter growth was a lot less than on Pinterest.

Traffic Drivers

Once again StumbleUpon was my top traffic driver, by quite a bit actually. This is interesting to me because I purposefully stumbled a lot less than I did in January. I even went about a week without Stumbling. This was to test and see if it would decrease my bounce rate. As you can see from my blog stats it didn’t. My bounce rate actually increased. Since the StumbleUpon test failed I may do more Stumbling in March than I did in February.

One thing to note is I decided to include direct traffic which is my number two traffic driver. It saw a 1.27% increase from January. My direct traffic includes people who have bookmarked ARelaxedGal.com, put the URL in their browser, or are clicking related post links on the site.

The biggest increase among my traffic drivers was Pinterest. It saw a 55% increase from January!

What I Plan to do Next

  • Stick with StumbleUpon as it’s helping to drive traffic
  • Be more active on Pinterest and Twitter
  • Research things I can do to reduce my bounce rate
What are your blog stats showing you?


  1. Great post! I've been trying to improve my blog stats through Instagram but haven't had much luck, will definitely need to try Stumbleupon. Would love if you could check out my recent fashion post? :)

    The Fashion Road

    1. Thanks for reading Louise! Instagram is tricky to use as a traffic driver. I've been able to get more traffic from Pinterest.

      I like your blog. I;m not following you on Bloglovin. I didn't see any info on your homepage linking to your social sites. Where can I find you on Instagram?

  2. This is very encouraging. Thanks for sharing your stats with us.


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